Have operators stopped believing that Britain’s bus managers have talent?


These are letters pages and the views expressed therein are purely the views of the writers; they do not necessarily reflect the views of the editor or publisher of BUSES WRITE TO: BUSES, PO Box100, Stamford, Lincolnshire, PE9 1XQ or email james.day@keypublishing.com Please provide your full postal address when writing letters (by email or post) for publication

Sometime about 20 years ago, a senior director of one of the emerging big groups came up with a radical plan. Such was his conviction that local management lacked the necessary skills to run a 21st century public transport enterprise that he wanted to dissolve all of its subsidiary companies and amalgamate them into one entity with thousands of buses spread across the different traffic areas across the land.

This monolith was to be sub-divided into units of around 400 buses each. There would be more than one in places where said group had a large presence, but where its operations were spread more thinly those units could incorporate depots as much as 200 miles apart.

The units would have no managing director, nor operations, commercial or engineering directors. Those responsibilities would fall on the no doubt highly paid shoulders o…

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