Title: GG 50 Years

Author: Alan Millar

Publisher: Glasgow Vintage Vehicle Trust (

ISBN: None

Specification: 208mm x 148mm, 32pp, softback

Price: £7

The road to integrated bus and rail services is paved with good intentions. This enjoyable and informative book by former Buses editor Alan Millar excels in setting out the achievements of the Greater Glasgow Passenger Transport Executive and the challenges it faced. The story is set against the background of grandiose transport plans for Scotland’s biggest city.

When the PTE took over the bus and underground services of Glasgow Corporation Transport in 1973, the city’s glory days as an industrial powerhouse were behind it. And more than most other comparable British cities, it had suffered at the hands of various generations of planners and their views of the future shape of the city and its transport — which tended to focus on railways and roads, and not so much on buses.

By 1973 much of the area around the central business district had been destroyed to make way for a planned 300miles of motorways and expressways. So the city centre was to a large extent surrounded by derelict land where houses and factories once stood; this had a conse…

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