Glasgow Fastlink: what is it for?

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Iread Hugh Dougherty’s article on Glasgow Fastlink (Buses last month) with interest. I use the new Queen Elizabeth University Hospital, and previously the Western Infirmary. I suspect that none of the Strathclyde Partnership for Transport authors of Fastlink have ever had to use either via public transport, or we would not be £40million poorer.

A basic understanding of Glasgow geography says that Fastlink is a very expensive white elephant. Why?

Because when the former Southern General Hospital became the impressive new Queen Elizabeth University Hospital in 2015, only a handful of its new patients, and probably only a few more of its new staff or visitors, were going to benefit from £40million investment in better public transport from the city centre.

The River Clyde divides the city. QEUH is on the south bank of the river, west of the centre. Al…

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