Alexander Dennis and BYD have unveiled their joint venture’s new all-electric double-decker, the first of which are going to London and Manchester, as well as new shorter versions of the Enviro200EV singledecker, which have the first chassis from BYD’s new European factory in Hungary. ALAN MILLAR reports.

The eagerly anticipated launch of the Enviro400EV double-decker — and the announcement of two shorter versions of the single-deck Enviro200EV — broaden the choice of battery electric zero-emission vehicles available from the joint venture between Alexander Dennis and China’s BYD.

Stagecoach’s confirmation of its order for 32 double-deckers for Manchester (see p8) takes the number of pre-launch orders for this model to 69 and the total order intake for BYD/Alexander Dennis products to 276, of which 160 were in service with UK and New Zealand customers or delivered to them by May. They account for over 70% of UK electric bus sales so far.

The market is being driven from London, where the joint venture has so far secured sales of 205 single- and double-deckers.

Metroline, the launch customer for the Enviro400EV, is taking 37 for route 43 (London Bridge-Friern Barnet) and has put it head to head with the …

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