A normality in which, besides a great many other important things, bus travel is no longer bound by surreal rules that restrict the capacity of a double-decker to around 20 socially distant passengers, a single-decker to maybe half that number.

A normality in which the public is encouraged once more to use public transport rather than being actively encouraged to use every other means of getting from A to B including by private car. One that returns park-&-ride sites to their originally intended purpose of keeping cars out of congested towns and cities, rather than either being closed or converted to a virus testing point, with the cars instead accommodated in the very places these facilities are supposed to keep car-free.

'Without a bus alternative to the car, more people will die from air quality issues than from Covid-19‘

Perhaps the UK government’s announcement that face coverings will be mandatory on all public transport in England from 15 June will be a first step towards a return to the public transport we know, champion and sometimes love. Mass transit once again for the masses. Certainly, it addresses one of the most widely expressed fears the commuting public has shown about returning to…

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