CHRIS NEWTON relates his experience of driving one of the classic single-deck designs of the past quarter century and urges aspiring preservationists to put it on their shopping list for restoration


gained lots of reading up and absorbing of the my PCV (passenger carrying vehicle) licence back in November 2007 after spending approximately a month in the training school where Highway Code was mandatory, as was getting through as many hazard perception clips as possible to prepare me for the real life situations I would face out on the road as a professional bus driver.

The driving was my favourite part, though, as I was lucky enough to do my training in one of Guildford’s finest. I am of course referring to the Dennis Dart, in this case a ‘super low floor’ Dart SLF.

One of the most successful British buses of all time

This was not just a training vehicle to me. It also happened to be the first bus that I ever drove when I turned up on a Saturday lunchtime at Burnley & Pendle’s Queensgate depot in Burnley a couple of weeks before my training was to commence to see if I would make the grade in being able to handle something much bigger than a car.

The bus in which I trained and went on to pa…

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