Crosville to cease all local bus operations

After seven years in business, Crosville Motor Services in Weston-super-Mare will cease all of its local bus and school transport operations on 21 April. Managing director John Wye, a former human resources manager with Western National, who joined Crosville as operations, training and compliance manager in 2014, says: ‘We have taken the decision with a great deal of regret and it is simply because the market is too challenging with passenger numbers falling and competition fierce.

‘There is a lot of love and support for the company locally and we are grateful for that and it is with huge regret that we are taking this decision. We are proud to have been a significant employer in the town for many years and this decision will impact on our staff. ‘We have attempted to adapt and change and we have stripped loss-making areas out of the business to try to keep going, but we now feel there is no other option but to close this side of the business in an organised way.’ Following withdrawal of town services competing directly with First West of England, Crosville latterly has employed 10 full-time, 11 part-time and eight casual staff. Its operator licence authorisation was reduced from 35 to 24 following …

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