By leaving polluting private cars untouched in his clean air plan, Greater Manchester mayor Andy Burnham is effectively saying, ‘We believe car owners wouldn’t vote for me in 2020 if I include them now’- you really could not make this up

What is it with politicians and cars? The transport sacred cow that is politically untouchable. Politicians have pandered to motorists for far too long. It is now so engrained in their psyche that they cannot see how this 19th century personal mobility innovation has outlived its usefulness and is now ruining our lives.

If we could start town planning all over again, it would seem bizarre to let people surround themselves with an oversized piece of metal on wheels in a personal space way in excess of what is needed and allow them access alongside thousands of fellow commuters all at the same time to town centres with insufficient finite space.

When you look at it logically, the obvious solution is to gather up people to travel together, sharing an even bigger piece of metal on wheels called an omnibus.

Young shun car ownership

Encouragingly, younger people are increasingly shunning the idea of owning a car and driving themselves. They are being brought up in…

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