1995 Volvo B10M-55 / Alexander DP48F - N215 TDU

1995 Volvo B10M-55 / Alexander DP48F - N215 TDU
Type of Vehicle - Semi Coach
Year built / registered - 1995
Vehicle Description - Volvo B10M-55 / Alexander DP48F
Reg No. N215 TDU Fleet No. 20215
Vehicle History - 1995 New to Midland Red (South) Ltd, Rugby, August 1995, in standard Stagecoach stripes livery, as fleet number 215 and allocated to Nuneaton. It was originally to have been registered M215 LHP. - 2003 Re-numbered 20215, January 2003, in the Stagecoach national series. - 2004 Allocated to Rugby in October and back to Nuneaton in November. - 2005 Early in the year received branding for 56/57 Hinckley-Nuneaton-Coventry service, but no record when removed. - 2008 Allocated to Rugby in July and to the reserve fleet in October. In November it moved to Nuneaton as their driver training bus. - 2016 Transferred to Northampton as DCPC driver training bus. - 2018 Repainted in standard Stagecoach livery. - 2021 Currently in SC Heritage Fleet / Midlands Training School