Title: The Colours of South Yorkshire
Author: Bob Telfer & Richard Simons
Publisher: Capital Transport
ISBN: 978-185414-412-6
Specification: 255mm x 220mm, 176pp, hardback
Price: £30
If you are already familiar with Capital Transport’s The Colours of series, this 10th volume will be all that you expect of it. And more.
These quality albums draw on collections of photographs taken from the 1950s to the 1970s, most of which are reaching a larger audience for the first time after decades of being stored away in slide boxes in cupboards, lofts and filing cabinets. They touch many emotional buttons: rekindling half forgotten scenes from readers’ earlier lives; opening others’ eyes to sights they never knew existed; and inspiring today’s photographers to emulate the men behind earlier cameras to capture street life, buildings and open landscapes in their own pictures.
Several of the earlier books in the series are dominated by municipal operators, but this one devotes around half of its content to the companies — BET, independent and stateowned — that also served South Yorkshire before the metropolitan county of that name was created in 1974.
Not that the municipals lacked interest. Far from it. Four f…