Printed timetables are basic essentials

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Roger French made several accurate, insightful observations in his Insight Track column last month.

The item about printed timetables is particularly relevant. I totally agree that Arriva Midlands ceasing the printing of timetables in Leicester is a disgrace. Looking at its latest timetable leaflets (illustrated below), it could have saved a lot of expense by not using glossy paper and not printing so many irrelevant pictures of apparently happy, smiling people on an Arriva bus. People simply want to know what time the bus is due and where it goes.

I am chairman of Campaign for Better Transport (Leicestershire) and we meet Arriva’s local management quite regularly. At our last meeting, we brought this matter up and were told that this was an initiative of its marketing department, done without any recourse to local management.

Therein can lie the …

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