Where to send your reports ››››
Send your reports on Northern Ireland operators to: Paul Savage by e-mail to: paul1629@hotmail.com And the Republic operators to: Ian Molloy,Willow Grove, Newtownpark Avenue, Blackrock, Co Dublin, or by e-mail to: ianmolloy30@gmail.com
Wright GB Kite Electroliner single-deckers 266770 (HXI 467, CYZ 668, HXI 469/70) and Wright StreetDeck Electroliner double-deckers 3625/6/30-8 (YUI 3725/6, FXI 410/1, GXI 422, FXI 383/4, CYZ 535, AVI 1336-8) arrived during June/July and were undergoing preservice testing; 2667, 3625/6 are at Coleraine, 2668/9 are for Pennyburn and 3630-8 will go to Craigavon when the installation of charging infrastructure there is complete and after a period with Metro on rail replacement duty.
Scania K410UD6/Caetano Invictus 2038 (IXZ 1838) received the latest Goldline livery in July when Optare Versa V1170 1833 (UFZ 1833) was being painted from Foyle Metro orange to allover blue.
Volvo Olympian/Alexander (Belfast) RH part open-topper 2000 (CXI 6200, 99 D 508) returned to use at Coleraine from the beginning of July.
Reinstated from reserve in July, at Craigavon, was Optare Versa V1170 1836 (UFZ 1836), but similar 1824/9/30 (UFZ 1824/…