Title: Daimler Coaches in Colour
Author: Jim Neale
Publisher: Key Books
ISBN: 978-1-913870-80-5
Specification: 165mm x 245mm, 128pp, softback
Price: £17.99
When we think of Daimler, the doubledeckers it supplied to municipal fleets probably first spring to mind; also the rearengined Fleetlines that took the marque into major company fleets and London Transport in the 1960s and early 1970s.
But the Coventry-based manufacturer also was active in the coach market until the mid-1960s, counting many independent operators as loyal customers. That is the theme of this attractive landscape format picture album compiled by Jim Neale, a man with such a lifelong passion for the marque that he named a house Daimville.
He has collected photographs and detailed information about Daimler’s products since he was a teenager over 50 years ago and has amassed a splendid selection of pictures for this book, mainly of postwar coaches — front-engined CVD6s, underfloor-engined Freelines and rear-engined Roadliners.
Most are presented one to a page with brief but informative accompanying captions. Some are scans of colour prints and transparencies, but a great many began as black and white images which Garry Luck has tra…